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How can I escalate a dispute?
Updated over a week ago

At all times BV Gaming endeavour to provide outstanding customer care and an unmatched betting experience. If at some point you feel this has been compromised and a dispute arises, we have a 3 stage complaints procedure which can be found here.

If we are unable to resolve your complaint our independent arbitrators are IBAS.

IBAS is the Independent Betting Adjudication Service (IBAS) which acts as an impartial adjudicator on disputes that arise between gambling operators who are registered with IBAS and their customers.

The IBAS Panel of betting experts apply their specialist knowledge to the facts and adjudicate by reference to the operator's own terms and conditions but do not rule on complex legal issues. As well as offering effective dispute resolution procedures, IBAS also check that operators have complied with the standards set by the Gambling Commission and with the IBAS terms and conditions of registration.

You can find the IBAS website here.

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